About Katja
Katja Mater is a visual artist and filmmaker, interested in revealing a different or alternative (experience of) reality through capturing the areas where optical media hardly behave like the human eye, recording events that simultaneously can and cannot be – holding midway between information and interpretation.
Next to her artist practice Mater is editor and art director for Girls Like Us Magazine; An independent magazine turning the spotlight on an international expanding community of lesbians and queers within arts, culture and activism. Through personal stories, essays and vanguard visuals Girls Like Us unfolds feminist legacies in arts, design and writing. Mixing politics with pleasure, the magazine maps collaborative routes towards a non-patriarchal future.
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Katja Mater is a visual artist and filmmaker, interested in revealing a different or alternative (experience of) reality through capturing the areas where optical media hardly behave like the human eye, recording events that simultaneously can and cannot be – holding midway between information and interpretation.
Next to her artist practice Mater is editor and art director for Girls Like Us Magazine; An independent magazine turning the spotlight on an international expanding community of lesbians and queers within arts, culture and activism. Through personal stories, essays and vanguard visuals Girls Like Us unfolds feminist legacies in arts, design and writing. Mixing politics with pleasure, the magazine maps collaborative routes towards a non-patriarchal future.