A fresh spot to hang on the middle of a very shitty neighborhood  Cool Rooftop, awesome sound system on the basement, local DJ LGBT community welcome —
ROMANTSO, 3 Anaxagora, Athens, Greece
Current city: Athens
French Type Designer — 22yo — like books & hardcore techno

More Places in Athens 25

The Arch of Hadrian, also known as Hadrian's Gate, is a monumental gateway located in the historic center of Athens, Greece. It was built in the 2nd century AD by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who was a great admirer of Greek culture. The Arch of Hadrian served both a practical and symbolic purpose. It marked the boundary between the ancient city of Athens and the new Roman city, and also served as a grand entrance to the city for visitors arriving from the east. At the same time, it celebrated Hadrian's achievements and his appreciation for Greek culture, and served as a powerful symbol of the close relationship between Rome and Athens. Today, the Arch of Hadrian is a popular tourist attraction in Athens, and is widely recognized as one of the city's most impressive ancient monuments. It is located near several other notable landmarks, including the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the Acropolis.
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The National Theatre of Greece, also known as the Ethniki Skini, is the national theatre of Greece and one of the oldest and most prestigious theatres in the country. It is located in the center of Athens and has been in operation since 1901. The National Theatre of Greece was established with the aim of promoting and preserving Greek culture and language through theatrical performances. Over the years, it has played a significant role in the development of Greek theatre and has produced many notable productions. The theatre's building was designed by Greek architect Ernst Ziller in a neoclassical style, and it features a grand façade and a large auditorium that can seat up to 1,700 people. The theatre also has several smaller performance spaces and rehearsal rooms. In addition to producing theatrical productions, the National Theatre of Greece also offers training programs for actors, directors, and other theatre professionals. It has collaborated with many international theatre companies and has participated in numerous theatre festivals around the world. Overall, the National Theatre of Greece is an important institution in Greek culture and has played a significant role in the development of Greek theatre. It continues to be a popular destination for locals and tourists alike, offering a diverse range of productions throughout the year.
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The National Archaeological Museum of Athens is the largest archaeological museum in Greece and one of the most important museums in the world. It was founded in 1829 and has been housed in its current neoclassical building since 1889. The museum houses a vast collection of ancient Greek art and artifacts that span over 5,000 years of Greek history, from the prehistoric period to the Roman era. The collection includes sculptures, pottery, jewelry, metalwork, and other objects that provide insight into the daily life, religious practices, and artistic achievements of ancient Greece. One of the most impressive exhibits in the museum is the Mycenaean collection, which includes artifacts from the ancient city of Mycenae, including the famous golden mask of Agamemnon. The museum also has a large collection of sculptures from the classical period, including the bronze statue of Zeus or Poseidon, and the Artemision Bronze. The National Archaeological Museum of Athens has undergone several renovations and expansions over the years to accommodate its growing collection and improve the visitor experience. Today, the museum attracts thousands of visitors each year who come to marvel at the ancient treasures that are on display and learn about the rich cultural heritage of Greece.
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The Areopagus Hill, also known as the Hill of Ares, is a prominent rock outcropping located northwest of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. In ancient times, the hill was the site of the Areopagus, a council of elders who were responsible for hearing cases of homicide and other serious crimes. The name "Areopagus" means "Hill of Ares," and it was said to be the site where Ares, the god of war, was tried for the murder of Poseidon's son. According to mythology, Ares was acquitted, and the hill became a place of judgment for the people of Athens. Today, the Areopagus Hill is a popular destination for tourists and locals alike, who come to enjoy its stunning views of the city and the surrounding landscape. Visitors can climb the rocky steps to the top of the hill, where they can see the remains of the ancient court and enjoy panoramic views of Athens. The Areopagus Hill is also associated with several important historical and cultural events. For example, according to the Bible, the apostle Paul preached on the hill during his visit to Athens in the 1st century AD. In addition, the hill has been the site of numerous political demonstrations and protests throughout modern Greek history.
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The First Cemetery of Athens, also known as the Cemetery of the Athenians, is one of the oldest and most historic cemeteries in Athens, Greece. It was established in 1837 and was the first organized cemetery of the modern Greek state. It is located in the central Athens neighborhood of Mets, near the Temple of Olympian Zeus and the Panathenaic Stadium. The cemetery is the final resting place for many notable Greeks, including politicians, artists, writers, and scientists. Among the famous individuals buried there are the poet Kostis Palamas, the composer Mikis Theodorakis, the politician Eleftherios Venizelos, and the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. The First Cemetery of Athens is not only a place of mourning but also a cultural site with numerous sculptures, mausoleums, and ornate tombs. The cemetery is designed like a small park, with winding paths and shady trees that make it a peaceful and contemplative place to visit. It is also a popular tourist destination, with guided tours available to visitors who want to explore the cemetery's rich history. In recent years, the cemetery has undergone renovations to improve the facilities and preserve its historic monuments. Today, the First Cemetery of Athens remains an important cultural institution that provides a glimpse into Greece's past and honors the memory of its most illustrious citizens.
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