Almost every underground station in Amsterdam has a fascinating story behind it. My favourite one is metro station ‘Weesperplein,’ because it has a hidden station underneath the actual station that was meant for the ‘Singellijn.’ However, that line was never build and the second station remained useless. Besides that the hidden station was also equipped to serve as a shelter during the cold war. The large doors that were meant to hermetically close the building are still visible at both ends of the platform. Other small details, like the panels in the ceiling than can be used as tables when turned around, are also silent references to the building’s former use. 

Metrostation Weesperplein
, Weesperplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Current city: Amsterdam
My works can be described as ‘post-graffiti art’. The approach, attitude and application of my designs are heavily influenced by graffiti and street art. I am fascinated by today’s zeitgeist but am also critical about it. Street art is an art movement in which many inspiring things are happening and where I feel at home. With a spray I can visually express what I cannot do with a pencil. However, I would like to go deeper than the sometimes superficial appearance of graffiti and street art and highlight those aspects that make the viewer think. I would like to express my thoughts visually, either in a clear statement or in an experiment with a still unknown outcome, which can lead to something new.

More Places in Amsterdam 99

The city's biggest flea market is hosted the first weekend of each month in and around a gigantic warehouse in the industrial area of NDSM in Amsterdam Noord. I love to snuff around the hundreds of stalls to find unusual props. Taking the boat to cross the IJ and leaving the old centre behind is very refreshing. Make sure to also have a drink in Noorderlicht while the sun sets.
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This is the area where I always make my round if I want to see some good works in the galleries. It’s a nice neighbourhood with many galleries in a walking distance from each other.
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The Amstel river is the main river of Amsterdam. Around 1200 they build a dam in the river and that was the birth of Amsterdam (or Amstelredamme as it was called back then). This dam is now situated under the Dam square, the central square of the city. If you bike from the old city center to the south along the banks of the Amstel, as I do every day on my way to my studio, the city opens up and gives way to a lot of space. If you follow the river it will take you out of town more quickly then you'd expect since it is surrounded by a green corridor that get's larger and greener as you exit the city. In less then half an hour bike trip from the old city you can find yourself in juicy green pastures between grazing cows and sheep. Only the airplanes heading in and out of Schiphol Airport will remind you that the city is near.
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The best place to read a book outside or inside one of the greenhouses and be surrounded by all of these different species of nature.
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If you have money to blow, this is a great place to blow it on Italian vintage designer pieces. I say Armani, you say ... Prada!
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