Luhring Augustine did a good job of converting an old warehouse/storage facility into a blue chip commercial art gallery that stages four shows of contemporary art per year. Which means you can catch museum quality shows in an unlikely spot, away from all the Chelsea pomp, and it actually has friendly staff, instead of a cold gallerina sat behind a desk pretending to be on the phone.
Petros Chrisostomou is an artist born in London, 1981 to Greek Cypriot parents. He decided to move to New York City having spent his life in London previously. He was a resident on the International Studio and Curatorial Program, New York.
Recent selected exhibitions include Vertigo at Galerie Xippas, Geneva as well as Paris photo LA, at Paramount Pictures Studios in Los Angeles. 2013. He has also exhibited in Plastic Lemons, Spring Projects, London (2011), Revolver, Galerie Xippas, Montevideo (2010), Artists for Athens, The Breeder/Athens Playroom, Athens (2010), Fresh Faced and Wild Eyed, The Photographers Gallery, London (2009), In Present Tense-Young Greek Artists, EMST National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (2008).